Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Get Your Blog To The Top Of The Search Engines

. Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's a lot of fun to blog, but it can get old fast if no one is visiting! Getting your blog to the top of the search engines for your main key phrases should be your goal to make this traffic happen. Keep in mind that it will take time, but it's very possible.

You're going to need to learn about Search Engine Optimization to make this a reality. The very basics of this is knowing which keywords to focus on. These are what people are searching for in the search engines, and how they might find your blog. Some of these keywords get a lot more searches than others get, so it's in your best interest to eventually choose the ones that do get searched for often. Keep in mind that these are often more competitive than ones that are searched for less -- but you might get lucky.

You need to focus your efforts on these keywords for now. Choose a big one that will take longer to reach, as well as three to four additional terms you're going to try and rank for. These should all be similar! Then, you're going to include these keywords in each blog post you make in various combinations. Always focus your posts on one term, and include the others only if they make sense. As you focus on these similar keywords the search engines will start to rank you more highly because your blog is tightly focused and relevant to what you're targeting.

It's not always that easy, however. A lot of ranking decisions are based on how many backlinks you have coming into your website. You need to do what you can to get relevant links that point to your homepage and your individual posts. You can get these links by writing articles to submit to directories, writing guest blog posts on other high traffic blogs, using social networking sites, using social bookmarking sites, and buying links (be very careful with this tactic.)

One of the best ways to get your blog to the top of the search engines is to show consistent, relevant postings over time. Google seems to favor domains that have had some time to age and that are going to be a good bet for their visitors. Remember --- Google's (and other engine's) goal is to provide the best experience possible for the people who search with them. If your blog is going to be a good match for your search terms it will be easier for you to rank and stay there.

Finally, you need to make sure that you're always posting amazing content. The better your content and the more interesting your blog, the more people will link to it. There is nothing better than getting free links just because people liked what you have to say! Keep your mind on the SEO side of things, but also remember that you are ultimately catering to the needs of the people in your niche. If they like you, the search engines will like you


5 Blogging Plugins You Must Use


Plugins for the Wordpress platform are tons of fun and incredibly useful. You'll find everything you need to turn your blog into something that is every bit as great as you would have imagined. While there are many plugins out there that are worth your while, the five that follow are the cream of the crop.


This plugin actually comes standard with your Wordpress installation. You will have to get a Wordpress.com API key to make it work, but after you do it's pure bliss. It keeps spam comments away automatically! Akismet is smart enough to put suspected spam into a separate folder, and it even learns from you as you go. Always activate this plugin for the best results with your blog. It saves you a ton of time too!

Related Posts

Linking to different pages in your blog from every page is a great search engine optimization tactic. The problem with blogs is that it can be so hard to dig through old posts that are related and manually link them in your new post. Related posts solves that problem! It will automatically insert some relevant posts for your blog. It's very hands-off and very effective. Both visitors and search engines love this plugin.

All in One SEO Pack

Once again, optimizing your site for the search engines is going to be one of the best ways you can make money with your blog. The higher you rank, the more traffic you get. The more traffic you get the more money you make! The All In One SEO pack makes your life easier because it allows you to specify the title, description (that will show up in the search engines), and keywords.

Wordpress Database Backup

Backing up your blog is crucial if you value your business. You never know what could happen to your server, and it would be devastating to lose everything. This plugin allows you to easily back everything up by pressing a few simple buttons.

Top Commentators

This plugin is really cool and it encourages a lot of interaction on your blog. It lists the people who have the most comments within your blog. They love this because they get the extra exposure. You love it because people really get into posting to try and be at the top. It also gives social proof. When people visit a blog for the first time they are more likely to stick around if there are clearly other people there who value your content. The fact that they can see others participating is a great thing.

There are an incredible number of different plugins out there that are ready for you to use. Install these essentials and you'll be well-prepared to become the great blogger you're going to become.


3 Different Ways To Monetize Your Blog


Choosing how to monetize your blog is a huge decision! There are many different options and it can be difficult to judge which type your readers will respond to most. Take a look at these different options, and make your choice with your readers and the market overall in mind.

Option 1: Adsense

Adsense is probably the easiest way to monetize -- and the most difficult! It's easy because it's just a simple code that Google gives you (they even automatically match up the ads for you!). You make money as soon as someone clicks on your ads, whether they actually go on to make a purchase or not. Adsense can also be incredibly difficult. You usually get paid a few cents per click and it can take a lot of traffic for it to add up to something that is even remotely worth your while.

Adsense might be a good thing to test, especially as you're getting your feet wet with blogging. If you're in the right market and find the right ad positions and colors, it can certainly turn into a nice hands-off income for you.

Option 2: Affiliate Products

Selling products as an affiliate is a great way to make money. For one thing, you get to earn money from the products without having to fulfill them yourself or deal with customer service issues. Nothing is better than that! The returns are usually higher than with Adsense, provided you're able to find an offer that converts well with the people who visit your website.

You will have to decide if you want to promote digital or physical products. This decision will likely come down to what kind of niche you're in and how your site visitors will respond.

Option 3: Creating Your Own Products

After you get a loyal following of readers it's easier than ever to create and sell your own information product! You'll have to fulfill the orders and deal with customer service issues, but the tradeoff is that you get to keep all the money! You are also the one who knows your readers best, so you're likely to come up with an offer that converts extremely well since it's exactly what they want.

You can write an ebook, create a membership site, deliver a paid e-course, create a video series, or record audio. If you want to make the package even better you can combine a few different approaches to add massive value. The options are endless when it comes to monetizing with your own products. Some of your blog readers might eventually want to become an affiliate of yours as well!

As you look at these different options you might start to feel overwhelmed. That's perfectly normal! It's hard to know what the best path is when you're just starting out with a new niche. A good way to get a feel for the best way to do things is to see what other blogs and sites in your niche are doing. You're not trying to copy them, you're simply taking note of what works and using it yourself.


How To Create A Loyal Readership With Your Blog


One of the main differences between a blog and a static website is the way people are able to interact with your content. With a static site it's just people reading words on a page. When you have a blog they can explore and even comment back! You want to get that sort of interactive spirit going so you can create a loyal readership with your blog.

That doesn't mean it's easy! There are literally millions of blogs out there all vying for the attention of your audience. It can be even harder to grab people's attention when you're just getting started. The bad news is that it's going to take some work and dedication to build up a loyal readership. The good news is that it's very possible, and even fun, to put these things into place. Follow these rules and you'll have the kind of repeat visitors and fans that really make blogging worth your while.

Rule #1: Write Great Content

Let's face it; if your content stinks there is no way people are going to come back and read again! They'll just click away, never to return. If you write great content, however, you're sure to get some fans. Not everyone considers themselves to be a good writer. That's OK! No one expects you to have perfect grammar and spelling. It's far more important that you write interesting content that stands out from the crowd. Give your real thoughts and opinions on things that matter to the audience.

When you write great content, not only will you have people who want to visit your blog all the time. They will also link to you! You know that more linking means higher rankings in Google. That's definitely a great thing that will expand your readership base to levels you couldn't even imagine when you got started.

Rule #2: Leave the Comments Open

It's amazing -- but there are bloggers out there who close their comments! While it can be a lot of work to try and get rid of those spam comments, you're also missing out on a big part of what being a blogger is all about. You need to let the audience write back and speak their mind too. People don't just want a website they can read anymore, they want one they can add their "2 cents" to. So, leave your comments open and listen to them. It doesn't matter if people always agree with you or not (they won't!), you'll get a much larger and interested following.

Rule #3: Guest Blog

The chances are good that there are some blogs out there that are very well-liked by the people in your niche. These blogs probably get a lot of traffic and a lot of respect. It's time to get your name and website out there in front of this audience! All you need to do is write to the owner and say that you'd like to write some guest posts. They will probably be more than happy to take a break from their own posting and to give you a link back to your blog. This will not only give you link juice for the search engines, you'll also win some of their loyal readers who are interested in what you have to say.

Learning how to create a loyal readership with your blog is incredibly important if you want your blog to thrive. It's all about the people, and making sure they are aware of your blog and love your content.


4 Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Blog


Are you constantly blogging but the numbers you see in your traffic logs are embarrassingly low? It can be maddening to check your stats and realize that no one is actually stopping by. Don't give up yet, because there are four great ways you can get traffic fast.

Traffic Tip #1: Do Your Keyword Research

Many bloggers make the mistake of thinking they can just throw some posts up there and expect to get traffic. There is a lot more to it than that! You need to make sure you are looking at the keyword data to find terms that are getting a lot of searches. Ideally, you want these terms to have low competition so it's easier for you to rank. Once you start basing your posts around these kinds of keywords you should find that you're getting a lot more traffic.

Traffic Tip #2: Write Enticing Articles Off-Site

Submitting to article directories isn't just a good way to get backlinks to your site, it's also a great way to get readers! Sites like EzineArticles.com have their own readership of people who are looking for the exact topic you're blogging about. If you write a compelling article that leads into your resource box, people will be enticed to visit your blog.

Traffic Tip #3: Give People a Reason to Come Back

Getting traffic in the first place is one thing, but what you want to do as a blogger is have them coming back over and over again. The best way to do this is to create special offers or exciting events. For example, you can give away a prize each week to the new people who subscribed to your list or your feed. You can also run a contest for people who leave answers as comments on your blog posts. Make your blog a happening place to be and people will want to visit often and tell their friends.

Traffic Tip #4: Create Linkbait

Linkbait is when you write a blog post that is so exciting or controversial it gets people to come to your blog, comment, and link to the post. You may share some shocking news or offer an opinion you know is bound to stir people's emotions. You do need to have thick skin when you write linkbait! Don't expect everyone to agree with your opinion.

An example of linkbait is going the opposite way everyone else goes. For instance, imagine you have an electronics blog and you decide to review the iPhone. After reviewing the product you decide you don't like it. You then write to tell your readers why. Since this was a product everyone was gaga over when it first came out the chances are good you would have gotten a strong reaction right off the bat.

There you have it! These are four solid ways you can start to increase the traffic on your blog as soon as possible. When you put these methods to work you'll realize that the secrets to getting great traffic were in front of you the whole time.


Effective Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed


Getting your blog indexed in the search engines can seem impossible sometimes. It can often be so random! One blog gets indexed in a matter of minutes, while another one takes weeks. While the search engines don't reveal their exact formula for indexing, there are some methods that have been proven to work for many bloggers out there.

Of course, many people decide that the first thing they should do to get their blog indexed is to submit it to the search engines by hand. There is actually a lot of disagreement on this point! Some people think the search engines look upon this favorably, and other people think that hand submission can hurt you.

The bottom line here is that it really doesn't seem to hurt your rankings, but it's best to keep in mind that the search engines "know it's you" who is submitting the site. What they want are votes of confidence from other established sites out there. That's why it's better to concentrate on those.

If you already have a network of sites then you have a huge advantage. All it takes is a relevant contextual link on one of those sites and you'll often get indexed very quickly. This is especially true If you have access to a site that gets indexed often.

Not everyone has established sites, however! The good thing is that there are sites out there that allow you to put your content on their site. Article directories are one example. If you write an article for a site like EzineArticles.com with a link back to your site in the author's resource box, the chances are good that you will get indexed fairly quickly. You can also add your content and links to sites like HubPages.com, Squidoo.com, and others.

Another thing you can do is make sure you submit your RSS feed to directories. There are RSS directories out there that alert people (and spiders) that your content has been updated. This can increase your chances of getting indexed. Some examples of sites you can submit to include Feedagg.com and Feedage.com.

Yet another piece of the puzzle is writing great content and updating often. There is no exact formula for this, but we do know that Google likes content! If you can write a few posts right off the bat to show that you're going to be a great, relevant site, there is a larger chance that your site will get indexed.

If you still haven't made it into the search engines it is going to take a bit more effort. Usually a combination of a few of these will work well. Also, a little bit of patience goes a long way. It's not unusual to wait a week or more for the magic to happen! Still, by following the suggestions above you'll find that you get indexed fairly quickly and often.


How To Build Backlinks To Your Blog


While no one knows exactly what the formula for search engine rankings is, we do know that it has a lot to do with how many "votes" you have out there on the web. These votes are counted as backlinks. If you think about it, what do you when you find something you really like and want to share with others? You link to it! That's why the search engines count these so highly. While you should definitely aim to get to the point where others will link to you, it's possible to take things into your own hands for now.

Below are some of the top strategies you can use for building backlinks to increase the value of your blog in the eyes of the search engine.

Write Articles and Submit Them

Writing and submitting articles is a great way to build backlinks! There are sites out there like EzineArticles.com and GoArticles.com that allow you to post your content with a link back to your site. That means you get to have your link on authority sites! The more articles you write, the more you can submit them. The beauty of this is that you can often submit the same articles to different sites, or rewrite them quickly to have something that is more unique.

Comment on Other People's Blogs

It's a great thing to remember that a huge part of blogging is getting involved in the community. Commenting on other people's blogs will not only get you some recognition from their readers right away, it also counts as a backlink! Keep in might that some of these links are termed as "nofollow", which means the search engines may not pass along ranking or "juice." That's okay, because the algorithms are always changing, and since these links are so highly targeted they are a great thing.

Write Guest Posts

Writing guest posts for other niche blogs is an amazing strategy. People love to let you do this because it gives them a day off from blogging. Readers love it because they get a fresh perspective on a topic they are interested in. You'll love it because it means you get a link back to your site and all you had to do was write an extra post for the day.

Use Social Bookmarking Sites

Another thing you can do is bookmark your sites. Now, there are some rumblings out there that these won't count as highly in the future as they do now. Still, bookmarking your sites lets the search engines know "you are there" for fast indexing. If you take the time to make sure the sites you bookmark with are high quality, you'll get the benefit of those links as well.

Paying for Links

There are many different ways you can pay for links. It is important to know that Google and other search engines frown on this because it's like you're gaming their algorithm. Whether you choose to do this or not is up to you, but it can be an effective strategy if you don't go overboard and aren't obvious. You can contact people directly or even work through link exchange networks.

Learning how to build backlinks to your blog is extremely important if you want to rank well. Add a few links at a time and they will build up in a massive way over the long run.


7 Things You Need To Do To Optimize Your Blog For The Search Engines


Optimizing your blog for the search engines is crucial! There are so many different blogs out there that you'll quickly sink to the bottom if you don't optimize. Follow these seven tips and you'll be well on your way to high rankings.

#1 - Create the Right Permalink Structure

The permalinks Wordpress uses by default are not search engine friendly. You can make this simple change by putting %postname% instead of the default that is there. This will create URL's that include your post name -- which should include your targeted keywords.

#2 - Install All in One SEO Plugin

This plugin is a must-have. It allows you to specify a title, description, and the keywords for the search engines. It can really help you reach the top of the listings, whereas the standard WP installation can fall short.

#3 - Install Related Posts Plugin

Search engines love it when content pages are interlinked. It also works very well for the search engines. It will automatically include links to other posts that are similar. Very convenient!

#4 - Research your Keywords

When people search, they do so by keyword. You need to know what these keywords are if you want to rank at the top of the search engines. Your posts should be centered around these keywords.

#5 - Include Your Keywords in the Title

You need to include your main keyword in the title of your blog. Also, include your main keyword and select others in the titles of your posts and sprinkled throughout your pages.

#6 - Make Your Blog Easy to Navigate

Easy navigation is essential for your guests and the search engines. That means including your blog's categories, recent posts (to make sure they get indexed) and pages. Easy navigation is also part of choosing a good design.

#7 - Expand the Ping List

When you make a new blog post Wordpress will "ping" the blog search engines. This alerts them that content on your site has changed. This can help you get indexed fast so you can start making income fast. Do a Google search to find an expanded ping list you can include in your wp-admin so you make sure you get as many of these sites to update you as possible.

Using these seven plugins will make your job of ranking highly in the search engines easier than ever. If you're new to blogging with Wordpress then the terms might seem incredibly strange to you right now. As you study them and put them into action it will start to feel like second nature!.


4 Tips To Successfully Market Your Blog


It's not enough to just write content for your blog and expect people to come and buy. We can all wish that were true, but it takes a bit more effort than that. It's as much about marketing as it is about having great content.

One of the most important aspects of marketing your blog is making sure you take as many steps as you can to become perceived as an expert. "Expert" blogs tend to get a lot more visitors, a lot more comments, and a lot more sales! You definitely want to cash in on the expert status.

So, what do you need to do? The most important thing is that you make yourself known in the community. If there is a forum in your niche (there probably is!) create an account and start answering questions. People won't know you at first, but it will soon become clear that you know your stuff and you're here to help people. After enough time has passed you can usually include a link to your blog in your signature file. This is great for getting traffic directly from the forum posts, but it will also count as backlinks!

In addition to posting on forums you can also comment on other people's blogs. The more you comment with relevant information, the more people will be inclined to visit your blog. This is also a big part of networking. As you get to know that other big players in this niche you can strike up guest blog posting deals to make yourself even more well known.

Yet another way to market your blog is to write articles. The more relevant, quality content you have out there pointing to your blog, the more likely people are going to be to find you. As you know, the more people that find you the better your chances of developing a good readership and making some money.

Finally, you can even pay for your traffic through Pay Per Click like Google Adwords. You will definitely want to study the art of Adwords before diving in, and you'll need to create a blog post that is a review of some sort, or is asking people to sign up for your list. When you're marketing through PPC you need to clearly spell out what kind of action you want the people who are clicking on your ad to take.

These four tips may all seem very different to you -- that's because they are! This can seem confusing to someone who is new to blogging. It's important to understand that there are different marketing techniques you'll use to form an overall marketing plan. Pick and choose what will work fro you, but it really does take an army of techniques to become truly successful.


3 Problems Most Bloggers Face


You know that blogging can be a lot of fun, but you probably also know that there are some problems out there that bloggers face. If you keep yourself aware of these things you'll know exactly what you need to do to combat the problems. You'll be a better blogger with an amazing blog as a result.

The three problems most bloggers deal with include:

* Burnout
* Sameness
* Lack of Focus

Let's tackle these one-by-one!

The first problem is burnout. When you first got started with your blog the chances are good that you were really excited. You had it in your mind that great things were going to happen. You probably also thought that the returns were going to be immediate. Soon enough, you realized that writing about the same topic all the time can be boring, and that it can take some time to bring in a great income.

It's fine to feel frustrated! You should know, however, that these feelings are what can make or break you as a blogger. If you give up, you'll never know what it's like to be a successful blogger pulling in great money. If you persevere past this frustration you can be extremely successful! The majority of bloggers give up, so make sure that doesn't happen to you.

The next most common problem is sameness. This simply refers to the fact that it can be hard for cloggers to find their exact "niche." Sure, you know what your blog will be about -- you might even have it very targeted. That doesn't mean your blog will stand out from the crowd! In order for you to gain the most loyal following possible you need to do something that will put you above the others. You might run special contests, write in a unique "voice" using humor or other forms of unique writing, or just come up with something that is absolutely off the wall but that your visitors will love.

Finally, the last problem many bloggers face is the lack of focus. We've already discussed that it's hard to stay motivated past the early stages, and this problem often leads to a lack of focus. You started out writing a blog about weddings, but you quickly got disenchanted and start blogging on a different site about sports instead. This goes back to the issue where you just need to push through. Even if you feel like you just can't focus on this topic, you need to realize that jumping from one thing to the other will only hold you back from reaching your goals.

There are, of course, other problems that bloggers face as well. The difference between those who do well and those who give up is their determination. If you are determined to earn enough income to replace your job, for example, you're going to need to know that these problems are there and come up with a battle plan to banish them forever.

Remember, blogging is wonderful, but it takes a unique mindset to really make it as a blogger.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Getting paid through AdSense program

. Monday, March 9, 2009

Once you have setup your AdSense account and updated your website with AdSense code, you would surely be looking forward to earning some revenue from the AdSense Ads. Though revenue will start accruing to your AdSense account almost immediately, the actual payments to you are based on certain rules that Google has laid out for all website owners that have an AdSense account.

1. The first and the most important rule is that Google will make a payment to you only when your account balance is $100 or more. Also, these payments are made by Google within 30 days of the last day of calendar month during which you attain an account balance of $100 or more. If your account balance is less than $100 on the last day of the month, the balance just rolls over to the next month and this continues till you actually have at least $100 in your account. You can easily check your account balance by logging-in into your AdSense account.

2. Obviously, Google will only be able to pay you only if you provide them with the information that is required for payments. This includes the Payee information and contact details that you specified at the time of signing-up for an AdSense account. Though you can edit most of this information, country and Payee name cannot be changed at this stage (i.e. after the account has been approved by Google). If you need to get these changed, you will have to close your AdSense account and open a new one.

3. You will also need to submit your tax information using the Tax information link on the My Account tab. This information is required irrespective of your location and, in any case, Google would not process your payment without the tax information.

4. You also need to specify the mode of payment. This can be done through the ‘Payment Information’ link on the ‘My Account’ tab. Just check the options available for your location and choose the one that best suits you.

5. As soon as your AdSense account balance reaches $10, Google will mail (snail mail) a PIN number to your payment address. You will need to enter this PIN into your account before you can become eligible for payments from Google.


AdSense tips that you might have missed out on


Google AdSense program is one of the best online advertising programs that are in use today. AdSense program is beneficial to all the involved parties i.e. the advertisers, the website owners and the website visitors. The popularity of AdSense program seems to be the most among the second group i.e. website owners. A number of website owners today use AdSense Ads on their websites in order to earn good revenue on a regular basis. They use a number of tricks and tips in order to maximize their revenues.

Besides the regular tips, there are some other AdSense tips which a number of people miss out on unless they are very careful:

1. Use multiple ad units: Google allows you to use up to 3 ad units and one link unit per web page. Since your revenue earnings are dependent on ad clicks and ad impressions, a higher number of ad units can potentially increase your AdSense earnings. However, do not go with the maximum allowed ad units if you don’t have enough content on your web page; this might offend the website visitors.

2. Use wider Ad format: Though Ad formats yield different results for different websites, the wider Ad formats (like rectangles) are generally known to be more effective than their narrower counterparts (there is a scientific explanation for this, but we can leave that out since we are more concerned with the results).

3. Limit the filters: Filters are useful for blocking the Ads that you don’t want displayed on your website e.g. Ads of competitors. However, too many filters can seriously limit your revenue earning potential from AdSense Ads. So, limit the use of filters to minimum.


Top 4 Tips for getting the best results from your AdSense Ads


The revenue that you earn from Google AdSense program is totally dependent on you and your abilities. Here are some tips that you can use to get the best results from your AdSense Ads:

1. Use channels: Channels help you in conducting a better analysis of the performance of your AdSense Ads. You can use custom channels to check what web pages are making more revenue and which ones are not doing so well. In fact, custom channels can be used for conducting analysis on multiple aspects at the same time. You can use this analysis for making amendments to your AdSense Ads or website content in order to get better results.

2. Ad customization and positioning: Shape, Size and color are the three properties of your AdSense Ads that you can easily control and customize in a way that the Ads don’t look out of place when served on your website. You can either make your Ads stand-out from the rest of the content on your webpage or you can make them blend with the overall webpage. Moreover, you can identify the hot spots on your website and position your Ads accordingly. Ad customization and Ad positioning are, in fact, the best ways to attract more clicks to your AdSense Ads.

3. Content quality: ‘The best generally overcomes the rest’ – is a very true saying. If you host quality content on your website and provide regular updates to your visitors, you can expect more traffic to your website. This will in turn lead to more ad impressions and possibly more clicks.

4. Use AdSense Ads on all pages: If you have multiple web pages on your website, you should include AdSense Ads on all of them. Since the visitors can enter your website through a number of different pages, having AdSense Ads on all the pages will surely increase your earnings.


Getting the Maximum out of Google AdSense: Strategy Classification


Google AdSense program has given an altogether new purpose to websites. Besides serving content or selling products and services, websites are now being used to generate revenue through serving Google AdSense Ads. The webmasters employ various strategies in order to extract the maximum out of Google AdSense program. There is no formal classification available for these strategies (nor can all the strategies be determined), however, the following 3 classifications are said to be more prevalent than the others:

1. Traffic Generation: Since the revenue generation from Google AdSense Ads is based on the CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis, the more traffic your have to your website the better are your chances of getting good revenue through AdSense. Most webmasters are fully aware of this fact and employ various tricks to generate high traffic to their website. All such tricks fall under the category of ‘Traffic Generation’.

2. Converting traffic to Clicks: Clicks seem to be the best way of increasing AdSense revenue. Prompting the website visitors to click on the AdSense Ads can make a big difference in terms of the AdSense revenue that you earn. A good copy can make the website visitors more confident about your website and hence encourage them to go ahead click the AdSense Ads. Besides the website copy, the website owners apply several other means for getting more clicks. These form the ‘Converting traffic to Clicks’ category.

3. Attracting High Value AdSense Ads: Besides the traffic to your website, your AdSense revenue is also based on the value of the AdSense Ads. So, some Ads produce more revenue when they are clicked/displayed than the others. This is determined using the Adwords system. Some webmasters develop websites primarily for AdSense revenue generation. These webmasters choose the website topic and orient the content in such a way so as to attract high value AdSense Ads. These tricks form the “Attracting High Value AdSense Ads” category.


Google’s Ad filtering mechanism


Google’s filtering mechanism for Ads is based on a number of factors. Let’s take a look at some of these factors:

1. Relevance to content: This is the single most important Ad filtering criterion that is used by the Google AdSense program. In fact, it is this filtering concept that gives Google AdSense program an important edge over the other advertising programs. The Google AdSense program determines the main topics/subjects of the website content and serves the Ads that are relevant to the same. Since Google AdSense is a global program, the relevance of Ads is also checked with respect to geography and the language of the content on the website. Note that AdSense can actually be used in a number of languages not just English.

2. Appropriateness of content: Websites are based on varying themes. There are websites that are based strictly on Adult themes while the other sites are family friendly ones. Since Google’s AdSense program is open to all website owners and advertisers (who comply with the AdSense program policy), Google also controls the content of Ads to prevent Offense to anyone who sees the Ads. Google does this by using sensitive language filters and language experts. Google uses strict rules and guidelines for conducting an editorial review on the content of Ads. It also asks you to provide information about what kind of Ads (e.g. sexually-oriented, war oriented etc) you deem as inappropriate for your website.

3. Competition filter: Since Google serves Ads based on the content of the websites, it’s quite possible that the Ads of competitors get displayed on a website that sells a particular product or service. To avoid this, Google provides a facility to the website owners wherein they can specify competitors or advertisers whose Ads should not be displayed on the website.

4. Choose your own: You can also choose default Ads to be shown in case Google AdSense program is not able to serve Ads to your website (due to unavailability of suitable Ads, etc)

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